LG Uplus applies AI safety solution to Busan New... > 경제기사 | natenews rank

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LG Uplus applies AI safety solution to Busan New...

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작성자 수집기 작성일 24-04-25 11:28 조회 41 댓글 0


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LG Uplus applies AI safety solution to Busan New Port

LG Uplus Corp. has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pusan Newport Company PNC on creating a safer working environment, the company said on Thursday.

Under the MoU, LG Uplus will inspect the worksites of the company and apply its safety management system called AI Integrated Safety Solution.

This solution analyzes video footage collected by cameras installed at the worksites using artificial intelligence AI to alert the control room when potential risks arise.

To ensure smooth operation and prompt response, LG Uplus will provide an integrated management system and regularly offer consulting to enable workers to use the solution well.

“We will continue our efforts to promote a culture of safety in industrial sites through AI-based solutions,” LG Uplus said.

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