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National Pension Funds Stock...

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댓글 0건 조회 30회 작성일 25-01-16 07:23


National Pension Funds Stock Valuation Drops by 4.4 Trillion KRW in Q4, Driven by Samsung Electronics
Photo = Yonhap news

[Alpha Biz= Kim Sangjin] The value of stocks held by the National Pension Service NPS decreased by more than 4.4 trillion KRW in the fourth quarter of last year.

A significant portion of the decline, amounting to 2.5 trillion KRW, was due to a drop in the valuation of Samsung Electronics.

According to fund evaluation firm FnGuide, as of January 9, the NPS held more than a 5% stake in 282 publicly listed companies, which requires public disclosure. The total stock valuation of these holdings was calculated at 133.46 trillion KRW.

This marks a decrease of 4.4 trillion KRW compared to the valuation of 137.86 trillion KRW at the end of the third quarter.

The decline was largely attributed to a drop in the stock price of Samsung Electronics. While the NPSs ownership stake in Samsung Electronics remained unchanged at 7.68% in the fourth quarter, the stock price fell by 8.78%, leading to a reduction in the valuation of its holdings.

During this period, Samsung Electronics stock price dropped from 61,500 KRW to 56,100 KRW, and the valuation of the NPSs holdings fell from 28.21 trillion KRW to 25.73 trillion KRW, a decrease of 2.48 trillion KRW. This represented the largest drop in valuation among all stocks held by the NPS.

On the other hand, the valuation of SK Hynix stocks held by the NPS increased. The valuation of SK Hynix holdings rose from 9.34 trillion KRW to 10.96 trillion KRW, an increase of 1.62 trillion KRW during the same period.

While the NPSs ownership stake in SK Hynix remained unchanged at 7.35%, its stock price rose by 17.41%, from 174,600 KRW to 205,000 KRW, making it the stock with the largest increase in valuation among the NPSs holdings.

Ultimately, the NPS’s fortunes diverged depending on the stock performance of South Koreas leading semiconductor companies.


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/ 알파경제 Kim SangJin Reporter


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