Samsung reveals 2024 Bespoke AI home appliances > 경제기사 | economics

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Samsung reveals 2024 Bespoke AI home appliances

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댓글 0건 조회 39회 작성일 24-04-04 08:40


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Samsung reveals 2024 Bespoke AI home appliances

South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics Co. unveiled its 2024 line of Bespoke AI home appliances as a part of its strategy to lead the era of artificial intelligence AI home appliances.

“We will complete our ‘AI for All’ vision via various smart home devices that consumers can use at home,” Han Jong-hee, vice chairman and head of the Device eXperience DX division at Samsung Electronics, said during the “Welcome to BESPOKE AI” media event in Seoul on Wednesday.

During the event, Han personally introduced new products and services, including robot vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, air conditioners, and air purifiers with enhanced connectivity and usability based on AI.

The 2024 Bespoke AI Hybrid refrigerator features AI hybrid cooling technology. When opening and closing the refrigerator door, a machine learning model predicts the temperature after 5 minutes and controls the cooling operation accordingly. It usually operates only with a high-efficiency compressor, but in the peak of summer, it runs additional components together to enhance cooling efficiency.

The Bespoke AI Family Hub refrigerator is equipped with AI that has been trained on approximately 1 million photos of food. It recognizes incoming and outgoing ingredients via its internal cameras, creates lists, and manages storage periods. It also recommends personalized recipes tailored to the user‘s dietary habits via the Samsung Food Service.

The Bespoke AI Steam robot vacuum cleaner, which has both vacuuming and mopping functions, is based on AI using data from 1.7 million objects. It can even recognize items such as mobile phone cables and mats.

The Bespoke AI induction has an AI boiling detection feature that adjusts the heat before the water or soup on the stove overflows, providing convenience as consumers do not need to constantly keep an eye on the induction while cooking.

Han emphasized ‘security’ as a differentiator for Samsung AI appliances. Both the Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator with AI Family Hub™ and the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo™ achieved the highest rating of ‘Diamond’ by global certification company UL Solutions Inc. in its Internet of Things IoT security assessment.

“Samsung is the only and the first to receive the Diamond rating for home appliances,” according to Han.

The company is also advancing its AI technology and plans to introduce large-scale language model LLM-based generative AI for natural and conversational voice control services within Bixby voice functions by the end of 2024.

During the event, Han also announced plans to target not only ordinary households but also the business-to-business B2B market with AI appliances.

“Samsung Electronics has the most products with AI applied in real life,” Han said. “We will expand into various fields such as car battery management systems and building management, as well as home management.”

The ongoing off-market battle for leadership in AI appliances with LG Electronics Inc. continued during the event.

In response to LG Electronics‘ recent statement that its ‘UP appliances were the genesis of AI appliances,’ Han responded, “What is more important than the origin is how quickly AI can bring benefits to consumers and provide value.”

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