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Sanofi Korea chief to also oversee Austral...

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작성자 수집기 작성일 24-04-19 09:58 조회 133 댓글 0


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Sanofi Korea chief to also oversee Australia, New Zealand business

Bae Kyung-eun, head of Sanofi-Aventis Korea, has been appointed to oversee businesses in Australia and New Zealand, the local entity of the pharmaceutical company said on Thursday.

Following the appointment, Bae will be responsible for businesses in three countries, including Korea.

Bae, a graduate from Seoul National University College of Pharmacy, was appointed as general manager of Genzyme Genetics, a rare disease unit of the Sanofi Group, in 2010. Bae has been country manager of Sanofi Korea since 2013.

She was also recently elected as the 15th chairperson of the Korean Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Association KRPIA.

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